Philip/K/Kom2021年7月15日読了時間: 1分Karma更新日:2021年8月8日自分がやってきた事は点になるWhat you have done is a point.それが何かのきっかけで線になるIt becomes a line for some reason.無駄になった点でも良いIt's okay if it's wasted.星座にならない星も美しいStars that do not become constellations are also beautiful.145Philip/K/Kom
自分がやってきた事は点になるWhat you have done is a point.それが何かのきっかけで線になるIt becomes a line for some reason.無駄になった点でも良いIt's okay if it's wasted.星座にならない星も美しいStars that do not become constellations are also beautiful.145Philip/K/Kom